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Co-Create the

Future of Work

Let’s work together to help revolutionize your company’s culture in this new era through an innovative employee reengagement program.

Work with History Factory

The workforce is changing

Is your organization experiencing any of these shifts?

  • Hesitancy to return to a physical workspace

  • Employees expressing burnout or feeling neglected

  • Teams are disconnected from a singular mission and purpose

  • Difficulty in attracting and retaining talent amid the “Great Resignation”

  • Lack of cross-team relationship building

  • No COVID-era shared company experience

  • Shifting to in-office or hybrid-virtual events

How the

History Factory Employee Reengagement Program

can help your organization


The attitude of return to the workplace, whether it be return to office or hybrid.


Employee enthusiasm for their job and the organization.


And listen to your employees and their experiences.


Your workforce to a unified culture.


Employees with shared identity, purpose, values or principles.


Current workforce and attract new top talent.


Cross-functional team relationships and understanding.


A shared sense of experience from the past few years.


With specially designed and curated events.

What is the

History Factory Employee Reengagement Program?

History Factory Employee Reengagement Program is a communications based employee engagement program that works with your people to co-create the future of work.

Based on your organization’s particular needs and your workforce’s demands, we create an integrated communications program to revolutionize your company’s culture in this new era.

Program Features


In-person and remote StoryListening™ and story capture sessions that allow your people’s stories to be heard.


Self-directed video story capture that tell the story of the last few years.


Video or story content bank to engage your internal audiences.


Environmental storytelling installations and exhibits to tell your unified story.


Toolkits for enterprise-wide events to give a shared experience to your workforce.

Why choose

History Factory?

Founded in 1979, History Factory is an agency that helps organizations employ their most underused assets—their history and heritage—to enhance and transform strategy, brand positioning, marketing, and communications that drive measurable results.

Proven Success

We have proven and measurable succcess working with Fortune 500 companies.

Great Storytellers

We are adept storytellers and “story listeners” when it comes to galvanizing teams.

Real-World Experience

We have pandemic-related experience designing and implementing solutions to recruit, retain and engage employees.

Strategic Thinking

Our strategic thinking places your organization’s vision at the forefront to craft custom deliverables and programs.

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Get started with the

History Factory Employee Reengagement Program

Let’s have a conversation about how the changing workplace is affecting your organization and how History Factory can co-create its future.


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