This is a photograph of History Factory founder and CEO Bruce Weindruch handing out a copy of his new book Start With the Future and Work Back.
The History Factory team has been busy over the past several months pulling together a collection of some of the most powerful heritage stories we’ve helped clients uncover and tell over the past 37 years.

The result is a new book, Start With the Future and Work Back, which will be released this week (available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble). This “heritage manifesto” lays out the myriad ways in which visionary organizations have been extracting unique and authentic value from their history as a means of advancing their business objectives.

This is a photograph of students reading the book Start With the Future and Work Back.Start With the Future and Work Back describes how companies can use Heritage Management® as a strategic tool to engage employees and customers, and build brand value. It also offers lessons on how to leverage organizational memory in ways that are authentic, substantial and distinct—which can inspire stakeholders, both within and outside of the organization.

Our experience is that an organization’s history can be as intriguing as any great work of fiction or music, filled with heroes and antagonists, good times and bad, crescendo and diminuendo. We’ve learned that unpacking these valuable heritage assets to tell your story is a proven way to build and sustain brand loyalty and drive relevancy.

Many of our staff at The History Factory have played important roles in helping curate the stories in this book, and have also been instrumental in writing our own historical narrative as an organization. We want to acknowledge their tireless efforts in offering a fascinating window into the past.

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