They’re assets.
You need to take care of them.

Regardless of why you’re moving, you’re bound to face the question of what to do with your historical assets: valuable documents, digital records, product prototypes, videos, and any other items related to your company’s history.

These assets may make up archives. Or they may be stuffed in a cupboard or trapped on a hard drive or server. No matter what, you probably still need to move them from point A to point B.

But wait! Remember that these historical assets might be priceless and irreplaceable—part of your company’s heritage that could be used to help your business in a multitude of ways. That box is not just an ordinary file box, just as moving a box of books is not the same as moving a sculpture or painting. Our philosophy is to preserve institutional memory so your enterprise can use the value of its past to improve its future.

We’ve put together this short guide to help you figure out how to move and relocate these heritage assets. History Factory has managed small and large archives relocation efforts, across the country and around the globe. We hope you find this helpful.

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